the Bible
Join the Advent Hope Bible Reading Plan 2025
The Bible Text
The Bible is a collection of sacred texts revered by Christians, comprising two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains the Hebrew Scriptures, including historical narratives, poetry, prophecy, and laws, covering themes such as creation, the covenant with Abraham, the Exodus from Egypt, and the establishment of Israel. It ends with prophetic writings anticipating the coming of the Messiah. The New Testament focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the early Christian Church and its teachings. It includes four Gospels presenting different perspectives on Jesus' life and ministry, followed by the Acts of the Apostles, letters (epistles) written by early Christian leaders, and the apocalyptic Book of Revelation. Christians consider The Bible the inspired Word of God, providing guidance, wisdom, and insight for spiritual growth, moral living, and understanding God's plan for humanity.
Bible translations are versions of the Bible that have been rendered into different languages, allowing people worldwide to access the scriptures in their native tongues. These translations vary in approach, from literal word-for-word to more dynamic thought-for-thought translations.
How to Get Started
The Gospel of John: This gospel provides an intimate look at the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's often recommended as a starting point for beginners because it presents Jesus' identity and purpose.
The Books of Genesis & Exodus: Genesis is the first book of the Bible and provides the foundation for many key biblical themes, including creation, the fall of humanity, God's covenant with Abraham, and the origins of the nation of Israel. Reading Genesis can give you a broader understanding of biblical history and theology. Exodus charts a formative part of the story of God as he rescues Moses and his people from servitude.
The Book of Psalms: Psalms is a collection of poetry and prayers that cover a wide range of human experiences, emotions, and situations. It's a great starting point for devotional reading and can provide comfort, inspiration, and guidance in various aspects of life.
The Book of Proverbs: Proverbs is a collection of wisdom sayings that offer practical advice for living a godly life. It covers topics such as wisdom, character, relationships, and stewardship. Reading Proverbs can help you gain wisdom and insight for daily living.
The Book of Acts: Acts follows the Christian Church's early history, detailing the gospel's spread from Jerusalem to Rome. It provides insights into the early Christian community, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the challenges faced by the early believers. Reading Acts can deepen your understanding of the growth and mission of the Church.